I am aiming to document the food traditions of individuals and families with celiac disease and gluten intolerance. The purpose of this project is to establish a cultural history and unite people for whom gluten-free is a necessary way of life. I am looking for people to contribute experiences and information regarding things like:
  • Adaptation of established family/cultural food traditions and creation of new ones
  • The evolution over the past several decades of GF cookbooks/recipe resources and how people use them
  • The availability of GF supplies/products across time, particularly flours & other scratch ingredients
  • Community and culture surrounding GF food online and in person, including the role of blogs, forums, restaurants/bakeries, and support groups

I’d love to hear from anyone who would like to share some of their experiences with living gluten-free! Especially, though, I am looking for:
  • People who have been - or have a family member who has been - on a GF diet prior to ~15 years ago
  • People who have experience with GF outside of the USA
  • People with multi-generational GF family members
  • People who did a lot of baking/cooking pre-GF and/or who do a lot of GF baking/cooking now
If you are interested in contributing to the project, please contact me at!

I will be expanding this page with resources and other info as my research progresses - stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour
    Notre à 16 ans coeliaque depuis toujours faisons nous même ses menus à la maison
    Bon projet merci
